The "Traditional" CACFP

To qualify a child or adult care center must meet the following criteria:
- For-profit centers must have at least 25% middle to lower income* children or adults (non-profit centers do not need to meet this requirement);Religiously Exempt Centers in Virginia must be Subsidy Vendors to participate.
- The center must be licensed (or Subsidy approved in Virginia).
The center can receive reimbursement for its food costs. The amount of the reimbursement is based on the center's socio-economic make-up of its enrolled children (or senior adults). The center will be required to collect forms to determine its population.
Take the first step...
The Afterschool Meal Program
To qualify a site must meet the following criteria:
- For-profit, non-profit, public, religiously exempt, licensed, or non-licensed after-school programs may participate.
- The site must be located in an "eligible area" where at least 50% of the center's **Home School children participate in the National School Lunch Program in the Free and/or Reduced categories.
- The center must have regularly scheduled activities that include educational and/or enrichment activities.
This is a stream-lined program meant for children 18 and under who come afterschool during the school-year. The site receives the highest reimbursement for each afterschool meal served--regardless of their economic status. Income Eligibility forms are not necessary for this program. The meal and/or snack can be served at anytime after school--even right when they arrive. The meal can be hot or cold--prepared on-site or delivered.
Licensed child care centers must also qualify for the traditional CACFP to participate in the Afterschool Meal Program.
Summer Feeding Program

- A place where children gather. For example, churches, libraries, parks, summer programs, summer camps, etc.
- Located in an "eligible area" where at least 50% of the center's ** Home School children participate in the National School Lunch Program in the Free and/or Reduced categories or through census track data (Child Care Resources can determine this for you);
- Be located in within the food delivery area;
- Have access to the Internet.
This is a stream-lined program meant to provide children 18 and under with good nutrition during the summer months. Meals are delivered to the center for free. Income Eligibility forms are not necessary for this program.
Not sure which program is right for you?
Simply fill out this on-line application. and we'll help you determine the program that will give you the most benefits.
How much money are we talking about?